Saturday 6 April 2024

Stop the whirlpool

How do I stop the flowing of agonising thoughts from spinning around my head?
Why do I carry such luggage around?
Where am I planning on staying?

I lay here and I still hit the wall with the complete unacceptable reality that has played out for me over 12months 
Even longer if I am honest 
What happened? When did I stumble on the hornets nest?
What did I do to end up here?

I had a marriage, I had my health, I was doing well at work 
We had found our forever home 
But that place saw the demise
The demise of my life as I knew it 
It all crumbled away like an old wooden shed 
It had been rotting for years
But I hadn’t seen it 
I barely visited it 
Didn’t take care of it
The paint was never going to cover up the damage that was spreading 

I cry tears of salt as I struggle with it all 
Stages of grief aren’t easy 

Such solace 
Such sadness 
Such an earthquake 
But this time, we didn’t survive … 

Won’t forget you

So I came to sort my meds but I’ve grabbed a coffee too 
I had your choice of drink and some cake like you would, too 
I was quite ok but then I heard your song and in that moment I could have cried 
I look around this shop and I’m hit with memories 
Which is strange as we’ve never been here 
You hated shops but would have liked this one 
Lots of aisles but very quiet
It reminds me of the trips we had getting garden furniture 
Or the times we went crazy for Xmas dinner 
All those moments and conversations
Getting excited by buying for our houses 
New towels and supplements 
Shower gels and deodrants

It feels surreal that we are at this junction 
That it collided and ended all of a sudden 
It actually hurts to think of life without you 
But I know that it’s started and that’s the way it’s become 
I would always have you to answer my questions to give me guidance and advice and patience 
But with that no more it feels quite lonely 

Dying our hair and choosing the dinners 
Diets and adulting 
It was so fun 
The early days the best 
The memories flow by and tears fall down 
Because I know that was over for a long time

We became tired and same old 
We struggled to find smiles in the queues
We avoided time out at all costs 
Stayed in and had it delivered was the decision we lived with 
It took away the excitement of buying 
Of being together and coupling 
For the chats about plans and our future 
Became silent and left with barely a mutter 

The laughing and flirting became Netflix and chill
The gaming took over our time at will
It became the new normal and harder to find the path back 
For the more we carried on the more we forgot

The dates flew by and the passion went stale 
The passion for us and creating our fairytale
Instead it was screens of distraction 
Followed by grief and horrific diagnosis 
The treatment took away the dignity 
The pain took away the fancy 

So I sit here and remember all of the fun 
The absolute complete that I had felt 
That we created a home from a white walled building 
To have a house with boxes and bags in 
The life and soul had left the party 
It had left behind a white noise so nasty
That it left us hurt and scared and lonely
And with nothing more than the thoughts that I type now
The cuddles and comfort are no longer 
The sale of our house is ever nearer 
The rings are in boxes away from the sunshine 
And our love ended 
There’s no more to say now 

Friday 8 March 2024

For the things I never said

When I look back at the series of memories that fall into my lap 
I see the tears that I had hidden 
I see the sadness in my eyes as you explained why you had lied to me about something to do with this or that 
I see me struggling to accept the door that you continually shut in front of me 
As I put a glass to the door forcing my ears to hear 
Pick up any sound it could muster 
Only to not understand the noises 
To be unable to create the words you both muttered 
To be left out of your important conversations hurt 

I will never forget the torment and confusion you caused me that day I came back home 
To see my personal battles all strewn out on the floor 
And to listen to your disturbed disgusted voice and tone belittle me in my place 
You had been through my things, my personal struggles and written encounters with the confusion and isolation my sexuality had created 
That feeling of not knowing the language I spoke 
To find yourself scrawling out messy words
But for you to just mock me 
To find myself having to apologise for what and who I was 
The girl I had been 
Was the most cruelest example I can remember and one I hate to remember at all 

What did I think I was doing 
Did I think that letting you drag your nails through my past, and look down at me for the words I’d muttered into pages 
Times of my life that I needed to understand 
And by finding courage in either typing or writing 
For you to put me down like that 
No forgiveness will ever reach me for that 

Poor young girl 
Poor young girl looking for guidance and direction from the damaged lot 
From the absent, from the hollow soul of others 

I can see her now 
I can see her on her knees 
Piling up the most innocent, yet tragically honest words into a carrier bag, ready for the rubbish  
Apologising for being who she was 
Crying and begging you to stay with her, be with her
Early days but such painful times 
Such hard realities to revisit 

Red flags were not a thing back then 
We never used those terms 
We didn’t see the beacon of light flashing as we made the mistakes 
Blinding us until our eyes were streaming from the light 

And I don’t blame myself now 
I don’t hold a grudge 
I accept the naivety and the innocence and the trust that I went into all that with 
It may have been dark but I thought my torch would light the way 
I didn’t see the walls around me as I focused on the floor 
The written warnings all around me 
Of people before me 
I didn’t see the tell-tale signs of difference and non compatibility 
I just saw the rocks and stones and stained floors 
I trusted the love bombing 
I trusted the guide 
She convinced me 
She made me believe 
Believe in the unproven non-real world 
The doomed fairytale 

But that doesn’t mean I feel nothing 
No that would be me lying 
For that may have been the start but it wasn’t the middle 
And we approached so many hurdles and helped eachother through the hardest level of assault course I’d ever experienced 
We did that 
But in the end 
Our truth was reignited 
Our days were numbered 
Our time had ended 

For all the things I never said 
I carry no regret 
I see lessons learned 
And a second chance 
A second chance to go out there and try again 
Try again 

Saturday 30 December 2023

The final act

And for this final act 
Turn on all of the lights 
Don’t let any shadows form on this stage 
For now the plot is revealed 
Finally we hit the penultimate moments of this wretched tragedy 
We all assumed it was such a love story to start with 
But the sheep’s wool soon fell down to reveal that wolf 

So now as the final lines are revealed 
The reality of this truth fills the room with a fog 
We can barely take in our breath 

We keep thinking back to the big W day 
To the first and second house thinking surely they were built to last 
Like an old Welsh cottage 
Through all those storms and winds

Not this one however 
This was built on lies and deceit 
This was built without a thought for the future 
Especially after the C arrived and spoilt plans
Took us all on a detour that did 
Especially for me 
I felt utterly heartbroken at the news 

But I kept going 
I dug deeper 
I had so many lies under my nails from fighting for our marriage
You had so much hidden in cupboards it became overwhelming 
What did you want to me to do
Scream? Hurt myself? Cry out for you?
You might’ve been sat in front of me but emotionally you had packed up and left us months ago 

I won’t believe that you did this rushed but also I don’t think it’s been for as long as you tell yourself 
I think me becoming ill was your final nail 
For me it was the start of the unravelling of torn seams left strewn from so many years of botched jobs fixing it in different colours of material 
Trying to turn our demise into a fashion piece
To be an idol to the way society was heading 
Smile for the gram but cover the reality of emptiness

For that’s all you ever were 
Nothing I ever loved 
I was fooled 
You got me 
Like a silly joke you play on kids 
But this was my life 
My health my heart and my present 
All flipped up like a badly arranged dinner table 
You had created an arrangement that made my muscles ache and my feelings hurt 
You had turned me into a blank expressionless person 
I can never forget it 

It will take time to move past this
But I assure you as the curtains are drawn and the cast take their final bow we are pleased this run is over 
The audience leaves with a lump in their throat as they grieve what could have been 
Had this been a fantasy 
For you were never real 

You had written the story as you did daily 
And when you got bored with the character, me 
You ripped it all up and started again 

Sunday 26 November 2023

Letting you go

I can honestly say I never saw this day coming
Yes it was never perfect but it was what I had and what I was happy with
There were some pretty low times between us but even after that we were OK
When I got the news of my health and it being such a serious diagnosis I immediately shut down
I knew you couldn’t deal with it
I knew I had to hold myself up 
You seemed to just disappear as each day passed by
The pain of losing a part of my body was grief I can never explain
Yes it was taking away the tumour but it was my body and something I still to this day can’t quite process 

There were such dark times 
And you had always been my light
But you were nowhere to be seen
You just vanished
The nights got lonelier as you spent them out with people who you’d known such a short time 
Over me, who you’d been with almost 8 years
I could see the deadness in your eyes 
I could not convince myself of any other excuse other than the burning brightness of you had let me go

It’s such a hard pill to swallow
Realising your whole life is changing 
Without your control
Without your fault
No blame
Just pain and surgery and treatment that strips away all you ever had taking you to the core in the hope of ridding you of a disease that will surely take with it, your life

But with all this as well?
No passion or compassion
Just anger and disgust 
Boaring into me as I sat there in pain from chemo 
No energy to fight for us 
Can’t win a losing battle
Can’t fight if you are not even looking up
You had no intention of saving this ship
We were truly doomed and you did not even look back to see the damage

You were pages ahead in this twisted tale 
I was just a bystander in the end
Watching as you took it all away from me
The memories snapped into pictures existed now as only memories 
The kindness in your eyes had died
That look I used to fear was now the constant

I cry because I miss it
I cry because I thought it was deeper than it ever was
It was only ever surface level and that hurts to accept
I gave myself to you 
Fully and unapologetically 
And you didn’t even pick it up
Not really 
Not really

I tried 
I always met you halfway
I did all I could 
I was not always right but I did try 

I will just have to stop looking over my shoulder
You were never behind me 
You were never trying to catch me up
We weren’t even on the same page

Our story has been written
The ending was abrupt but coming 
Just like the rings in the boxes hidden out of sight
The pictures boxed up and never to see the light
We are done 
It will take some time to really move passed it all
But that is the only path I have 

KP nuts
Over and out 
Lights out 
Door closed 

Sunday 19 November 2023

Through the rain

Get up even in the cold rooms 
Heating is not needed today
For today you are leaving 
The bags piled high in what was once a happy love filled room 
The clothes strewn on the bed as you decide what you want right now and what can wait 
The cats sit in boxes on the floor watching you 
Tears fall

This has got to be a joke right 
Sick little joke that no one laughs at
Just awkward silence filling the air 

But no, no it’s not
It’s real
The rings that once sat around my fingers showing devotion and commitment are now boxed up and cold
The fingers look bare and alone
Like I felt those nights before the final sentence was given on our whole relationship 
The history was not even given in evidence 
It was just decision made and case closed 
No desire to fight for it 
No desire to change the sentence or even negotiate 
You were done and the finality of it all was so cold, so stern and so emotionless

I have spent some time building my heart and mind back up 
Like my life hasn’t been tough enough after the big C crashed the party last year 
Leaving behind a tumour that would threaten my life 
With treatment that would push me to the brink 
With insomnia and pain being the shadow that followed me for days and weeks after 

But no you had more up your sleeve 
Like the magic show turn horror
You had more to serve
The end of a marriage and a life I had come to rely on so heavily through all these chaotic paths I was being led upon 

I could barely catch my breath at moments 
They would drag me from my gravity and hurl me into such dismay 
Those two beauts looking at me with questions 
My cats were my crutch through it all 
Those long days that never ended, in pain and isolation were warmed by their presence 
And now I’m without that 

I sit with my whole life in boxes and bags 
Charity aplenty as I shed my past
As I shed my skin 
As I rebuild my heart and soul 
As my gut screams loud with I told you so 
The lights from cars break my stare 
The lights in my garden which once brought some peace, now bring fear 
For I am now to rebuild 
Rebuild in my weakest chapter 
Rebuild as my body fights this illness 
Rebuild my life 
Choose my new home 
Choose my new life 
Find myself once more 

I know I will 
My higher self always had my back 
She has never left my side 
I do not feel alone because I am not 
This is a fight for my life 
A fight for my smile and happiness 
My heart will be ok 

My family gather together and protect me 
They collect me and my possessions and they fit them in
They create the security and protection that I want and need 
They hug me tight 
They give me the warmth and support that I always needed
That I always had

My pooches will be with me soon 
My life is in build mode 
I have unlimited choices 

When one door closes 
Another becomes ajar 
I will be ok 
I trust in my creator 
And that creator is me 

Thursday 9 November 2023

This too shall pass

Today was the end of a long time coming 
I can recall the whole ordeal like a distorted scary movie you saw as a youngster that never left your mind 
The dates the expressions, the punchy one liners after diagnosis to the white noise that squealed so loud my ears bled after the separation 
The days that hit me so hard, that I didn’t think I’d ever see the light again in that tunnel 
The tunnel… had never been so long 
And to walk it alone is not easy 

Over these months though my fears I had have diminished 
Blood tests, weight being measured, admissions to hospitals, needles, pain, fatigue, nausea, dehydration, facing mortality, isolation, financial struggles, abandonment, separation, losing parts of your body and battling with parts of your mind 
The side effects varied 
Peripheral neuropathy and morphine were never what I’d known about until this time 

This year has been endless and yet this part is done
This year has broken me 
Yet today I rang the bell for completion 
My emotions are lost in a cluster fcuk of thoughts emotions bewilderment and anger 
They can’t be, because I’m feeling it all simultaneously 
They can’t escape because I’m locked up 

What is all this nonsense 
How was this ever possible 
How have I done it
How did I carry on 
This is not a battle with cancer 
This is a war with yourself 
You have to trust fast and dig so deep your hands will never heal from the dragging of ruins below you 
The hole is dark and you are covered in all the scars and pain and poison flows around your body like a power cut on your health 
You have to witness your appearance change in ways no Snapchat filter could ever really prepare you for 
You have to watch the fear and pain deepen and embed in everyone you knows eyes
You have to drag yourself out of bed in agony you could never describe to just shower and eat 
You can’t keep your breath at 36 when you’ve spent 3 years lifting weights 
You get dizzy making a coffee 
Too much is taken but you sign the contracts and you accept the consequences because life is important 

Yes it’s a new world for me now 
Yes it’s a new process 
Plans will not be as they once were and patience is my new religion 
I am being kind to myself because I have to be, yet, I mourn my previous life and body 
My path is different but it’s the clearest path I’ve ever seen 
My life is different but it is what it is, and I will live it to the full 
My heart is hurt, but will heal 
My bodies scarred, but is stronger 
My mind is baffled, but is finding the answers and the storage for processing and moving forward 
Today marked the end of 8 cycles of chemo 
Four EC with 4 admissions
Four Paclitaxal with 2 admissions 
Picc Line in and then out 
Blood results were up every test, even when I caught Covid 
Weight gained but due to meds
Codeine and morphine for pain 
I rang the bell today 
And I am proud of myself 
Because after all the fear tears and sleepless nights 
I’m at the light in this tunnel 
I’ve got respite to come and then I go again!